I love hearing the little voices calling 'Daddy! Dadda!' and watching the children climb on my husband as if he were a big mountain, or being able to get what they want when mommy isn't around.
There is definitely a soft spot for them in his heart and as much as he tries to deny it, the kids have him wrapped around their fingers.
And that is the thing about Fathers!
They might seem tough and strong but underneath it all, they are softies when it comes to the little ones.
They might seem tough and strong but underneath it all, they are softies when it comes to the little ones.
Dads are our first loves, big teddy bears to hug (nothing cozier than daddy's lap), and our biggest supporters!
They are here to guide us through life and to push us to try over again. Because they believe in us and love us unconditionally!
They are here to guide us through life and to push us to try over again. Because they believe in us and love us unconditionally!
Happy Father's Day to this wonderful man with whom I get to share the journey of parenthood.
Your love for our children, your devotion and support is what makes me fall in love with you over and over again! Samantha and Jack are so lucky to call you their daddy!
And a very Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads out there!
But most importantly, I would like to wish a wonderful day to my Dad who might be oceans away but is always in my thoughts!
Kocham Cię, Tato!
A Father is neither an anchor to hold us back
nor a sail to take us there,
but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.
~ Unknown ~
A Father is neither an anchor to hold us back
nor a sail to take us there,
but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.
~ Unknown ~