It is so hard to believe that our little man is turning one today.
It has been incredible getting to know him and seeing him grow.
There is a special connection between Jack and his sister- they simply adore each other!
He is the happiest baby and we are so blessed to have him in our lives!
Here's a quick look at Jack's first year...

I fell in love with him the moment I held him in my arms ♥

Jack's first Christmas


Samantha could not stop looking at her baby brother =)

Hanging out...

Oh, that little face...

Making friends with Jaxson.

We found our footsies!


First time at the beach.

Nothing like playing with his big sister!

He loves his bath time

He could not wait to walk!

Pumpkin picking

He loves his food!

And he is off!

Halloween fun!

Meeting Santa for the first time =)