"Dads are most ordinary men
turned by love into heroes, adventurers,
story-tellers, and singers of songs."
~ Pam Brown
It has been truly heartwarming to watch my children adore their father.
The never ending: 'Daddy, what is...?', 'Daddy, who is...?', 'Daddy, but how come...?' answered patiently and in the most fun way.
Pancake making mornings and late night story telling, walks around the neighborhood, and board game playing!
I don't mind that he is their favorite parent at times... because he is my favorite, too!
Steve is my favorite person to do this parenting thing with!
Fatherhood looks good on you, My Love!
Happy Father's Day to The Best Daddy Ever!
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I am sending hugs and kisses to my Dad in Poland as he will be celebrating Father's Day on June 23rd! Miss and Love you tons!
Kocham Cię, Tato!