Seven years ago we were blessed with the sweetest gift!
Jack fills our life with so much joy and silliness. He still loves his Legos and builds something every day, whether it's the blocks, paper or cardboard boxes. He loves to create!
I am not going to lie, this year has been challenging for all of us but the kids seem to have adjusted pretty well to the "new" reality. Jack is a homebody and did not mind being home when the pandemic forced us to isolate. He did start missing his friends eventually and was ready for playdates!
Jack finally lost his first tooth this year and a couple more followed. He's getting so tall soon he will catch up to his sister!
He's a fast learner and he seems to really like math (taking after his mama 🤓) He loves music and dancing, and wants to play piano.
Chess, monopoly and connect four are his favorite games. And doing puzzles 😊 He loves riding his bike and playing outside with his friends.
The way he says "mama" still melts my heart, and I love when he asks me to snuggle before he falls asleep.
Happy 7th Birthday, Jack!
There will never be enough words to describe how much we love and adore you!