I swear I blinked and he turned 6!
I feel like Jack has grown so much since my writing his birthday post a year ago!
So many milestones, so many new experiences!
One of the biggest changes for Jack must have been starting kindergarten this September. I'm not going to lie I was nervous- Is he going to like it? How is he going to adjust to the new school, going on the bus, making new friends, etc. I was worried but all that was gone the moment he stepped off that bus on his first day, all smiles and excited to go back the next morning!
Plus, I think having his big sister there must have given him some sense of comfort (and to us, too 😳)
He loves learning and is always excited to share his new knowledge with us. He's discovering how fun reading by himself can be. Legos are still his favorite toy, and he is now into building city skylines and famous landmarks! Future architect, perhaps?
Jack grew like a weed this summer! None of his pants were long enough when it was time to dig out those jeans in the fall! He must be taking after his daddy (standing 6'5 tall!)
He may be 6 but he's still my little boy, he always will be! He may wipe off my kisses at times but he still crawls onto our lap and gives the best hugs!
Jack is such a sweet boy and I just wish the time could slow down a little...
Happy Birthday, Jack!!!

Christmas 2018

Jack tried T-ball this year

He enjoyed his sister's dance recital

Jack graduated from preschool!

He loved his teachers, Miss Lisa and Miss Christina

Jack's first day of summer camp

Jack enjoyed another half Birthday party with his favorite people at his favorite place!

We took a trip to Hershey's Chocolate Factory

We took our annual trip to Avalon

Jack's first day of Kindergarten! And Samantha's first day of 2nd grade!

Halloween 2019