Wow! That was fast! And what a year it was for my baby girl!
She seems to have grown so much in the past 12 months.
Mature beyond her age! She’s no longer interested in little kid shows or little kid toys. No more Barbies and doll houses! 😞 She’s now into chapter books, tween shows and basketball.
She loves school and learning new things.
She has become an awesome reader (4th grade level!), and her favorite chapter books are: "Junie B. Jones", "Amelia Bedelia", and "Who Was...?" (she is currently reading “Who was Walt Disney?” - go figure 😉
She loves to travel and visit new places, and was beyond excited about our trip to Poland to see her babcia (grandma) and dziadek (grandpa) last summer. She and her brother, Jack, are still talking about the trip and cannot wait to go back. But Disney trip first!
Her independence is admirable. I don’t think she needs us, her parents, anymore! She makes her own breakfast, gets dressed and packs her backpack in the morning. But yet, I love how she still wants me to hold her hand while walking to the bus, or lay down with her before she falls asleep. I am cherishing these moments and wishing time could slow down a little.
Samantha’s excitement was difficult to contain when her first tooth started to wiggle! She couldn’t wait till it finally fell out. Followed by another one and one that’s been loose for a few weeks now. Ugh, it seems like they just came out! Why is this happening so fast?? 😩
She loves helping with house chores, empty the dishwasher, clean the kitchen table, or vacuum the floor.
Yet she cannot keep a clean room for the life of her! Her bedroom floor is littered with art supplies, markers, shreds of papers, and clothes she doesn’t seem to know how to put away! I blame it on her creative side because it must be hard to be creative and tidy all the time.
Her laughter is infectious and her sense of humor super silly. She’s clumsy and trips over invisible objects 🙈 but coordinated enough to dance and play sports! She’s strong willed, determined and persistent!
There are no words to express how much we love this little human! We are so proud of her and all her accomplishments. She continues to amaze us with her brilliance, and we cannot imagine our lives without her! After all, she made us mom and dad!
Happy Birthday, Baby Girl!
We love you to the moon and back million times!
And the Happiest of Birthdays to her Birthday Twin, Nana Sheila!
And the Happiest of Birthdays to her Birthday Twin, Nana Sheila!
* * *
Here are a few photos from our recent shoot and a quick look back at Samantha's past year.

A few memories from last year :-)

Sam's birthday party last year 🎂

Posing for Easter pics

A visit to American Girl Store in NYC

Sam and Jack's shenanigans 😉

Cousins ❤️

Dance recital

Last day of Kindergarten

Jack's half birthday party


Trip to Poland

Cousins ❤️

With grandpa and grandma ❤️

Checking out the countryside where grandpa grew up

Polish countryside and visiting cousins

While visiting friends in the south of Poland

Cracow, Poland

Bye, bye first tooth! 🦷

Avalon, NJ

First day of first grade!

Apple picking

Halloween 👻 🎃

Posing for our Christmas photos (Thank you, Debbie 😘)

Matching Christmas jammies tradition

Fun in the snow ❄️ ⛄️